antonio jimenez's course information
here is some information about courses I am teaching or I have taught recently
(some of the contents are in Spanish)
Probability and Statistics, Graduate
Syllabus (in Spanish)
Lecture notes (in English)
Problem set I, problem set II, problem set III (in Spanish)Intermediate Microeconomics, Graduate
Syllabus (in Spanish)
Problems (in English)
Problem set I, problem set II, problem set III (in English)Dynamical Systems and Dynamic Optimization, Graduate
Syllabus (in Spanish)Game Theory, Undergraduate (in Spanish)
Problem set I, problem set IIMathematics for Economists, Undergraduate (in Spanish)
Problem set I, problem set II, problem set IIIMicroeconomics, Undergraduate (in Spanish)
Problem set I, problem set IIMicroeconomic Theory Workshop, Undergraduate (in Spanish)
SyllabusEconomics of Information Workshop, Undergraduate (in Spanish)