antonio jimenez's research
publications »
- "Dividend paying assets, the unit root property, and suboptimality" (with Subir Chattopadhyay), 2009, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 45: 3-4: 223-232 [paper]
- "A model of interim information sharing under incomplete information", 2006, International Journal of Game Theory, 34: 425-442 [paper]
- "Notes on the suboptimality result by J. D. Geanakoplos and H. M. Polemarchakis (1986)", 2007, Estudios Economicos, 22: 1: 111-136 [paper]
working papers and work in progress »
- "A Note on bargaining over complementary pieces of information in networks" (with Kaniska Dam), 2011, CIDE Working Paper [paper]; [supplementary material]
- "Strategic Interactions in Information Decisions with a Finite Set of Players", 2010, CIDE Working Paper [paper]; revised version (July, 2011) [paper]
- "Strategic information acquisition in networked groups with 'informational spillovers'," 2009, CIDE Working Paper [paper]
- "The unit root property when markets are sequentially incomplete" (with Subir Chattopadhyay), 2004, IVIE Working Paper [paper]
- "Notes on a constrained suboptimality result by J. D. Geanakoplos and H. M. Polemarchakis (1986)", 2003, IVIE Working Paper, Monografías Series [paper]